Author Archive
by admin on Feb.22, 2010, under News
We finally have a script and a time line begun. We have something to work with! It does seem silly to have costuming and production design come before the script, but everyone has to start somewhere. We also have a gallery up where you can check up on our progress.
New Projects
by admin on Jan.18, 2010, under News
We are well underway with the development of our first drama series. This is the main character from the series currently names Gen. Let us know what you think, and you shall see more of her in the future.
New Design!
by admin on Dec.04, 2009, under News
Carbon Based Media will soon be getting a design upgrade! Our designers are working diligently to make Carbon Based Media more beautifully unique!
We’re Online!
by admin on Nov.29, 2009, under News
After 3 grueling days of searching for a URL that wasn’t taken, we finally got Carbon Based Media! We are open for business. Now begins my many hours of working only for the slight chance of pay. That’s what you call a project of love. In the next few weeks we will be changing and developing our corporate identity, as well as adding pages as we collect the content for them. I will be spending many hours on various networks and sites with related media. Everything is looking good so far, so subscribe to our RSS feed and keep coming back, because we have a number of amazing things in store for you!